Pathways to Prosperity

Holistic Progression through business and employment

I am of the belief that we are facing a new age where we have to rethink how we live and what is important.

While we have been living at a slower pace for the last 6 months, many personal, social and global issues have somewhat magnified in stance.

I am trying not to mention the COVID19, but I am almost sure that it is the first thought that has come to your mind. “Black Lives Matter”, “Do I send my child to school or not”, How do I deal with this stress and anxiety”, second wave, climate change”, and our “unique” world leaders. For many of you, this will all sound familiar.

One of the major issues we are facing globally is unemployment whether now or impending. Some more words for you; furlough, redundant, lockdown, shutdown. We are hearing them daily in the news.

I have put my thoughts and strategies together in an online course I will be facilitating later this month, supported by ASCEND Charity UK. Eight sessions will help to answer some of the questions below.

How do you prepare for and create pathways to keep your jobs, find a new one, or even create new opportunities for yourself and others through enterprise? Do you want to start a new business, get a new job or retrain?

I recommend a holistic approach to finding your future in this “new normal” time. It is very important to reassess one’s present situation and short term needs and I have found this helpful throughout my career within the creative industry. This is especially so if your circumstances have changed due to COVID19 I used the word again). Key assessments help to identify where your talents lie, and the skills you need to make a change to your self or for progression.

This holistic business and employability course will help participants to make more informed choices about setting up a business, developing an action plan for employment and using social media for marketing or personal branding. This is a course with a creative, holistic twist so get ready for some wellbeing activity.

To join a free taster session on October 1st register below by 30th September 2020

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