August Agboola Brown

The Nigerian Jazz Musician who fought in the Warsaw Uprising

I studied for a degree in Lodz, Poland between 1983 and 1990. It was a period where the socialist system was still governed the nation and where as a black student, I was part of a minority in a country where people were still mesmerised by my colour and culture. I could tell you a 100 stories or more about the trials, tribulations, and the joys of my life in Poland but that is not why I am here today.

I’m here because last year, on a business trip to Warsaw, I was hosted by Anna Michalak Pawłowska at Dorozkarnia Dom Kultury in Siekierkowska and during our conversation, she mentioned the fact that a Nigerian jazz musician had joined the resistance and subsequently fought during Warsaw Uprising.

You can imagine that as a Nigerian who had spent almost seven years as a student in Lodz, I was shocked that throughout my stay, I had never heard of this man. I was also surprised that we had a Nigerian embassy, Nigerian Students Association and never was Auguste Agboola Browne’s existence acknowledged in any way.

In a visit to Dr Emmanuel Kalejaiye and his wife Magda, a few days later I mentioned what information to him. This is where he gave me an article produced from his own research and recounting all his efforts to bring August Agboola Browne’s existence to light.

August Agboola Browne was Yoruba man born in Lagos, Nigeria in 1895. He first emigrated to England where he joined a travelling theatre that took him to Poland. he worked in clubs as a jazz musician. He married a Polish lady and had three children. It is said he fought from 1939 to 1949 before working in the Department of Culture and Art; continuing his music career, in Warsaw. In 1958, Browne moved to England where he and his family lived in London until his death in 1976.

I decided to add this event to the programme because of a recent conversation that took place on Facebook. I now realised that I am not the only person who was not aware of this part of Polish history. The comments that have ensued since then, have show that many of us who still live or have already left Poland are interested to find out more, and listen to Dr Emmanuel as he shares his views and the progress that has since been made to put Auguste Agboola Browne on the map and to acknowledge his sacrifice including a recent memorial erected in Warsaw Central and a visit by the Nigerian Embassy. Dr Emmanuel is a Nigerian, medical practitioner with a strong interest in heritage and culture. When he is not treating and advising patients, he actively pursues the implementation of policies and actions that will support his community home and abroad. Dr Emmanuel has been at the forefront of the fight for recognition and acknowledgement of the Nigerian soldier, August Ayoola Brown and has written articles and featured in several Polish newsrooms for this purpose.

Join us on Sunday 25th October , 7pm (GMT), to hear, engage, and discuss.

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