My Culture, My People

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October is the month Black History is celebrated throughout the UK and as usual, I am asked by various organisations to support their activities. Every year I come up with a theme that creates cultural awareness and I share information about my African heritage, This year, I have gone global.

Imagine a year where globalisation has become more apparent in that we are living and working online. Reconnections have happened and new acquaintances have been made through social media.

With this in mind, I have collaborated with my artist and designer friends living n Nigeria, Poland and the UK, to bring you a robust programme that will not only engage and educate, but will provide creative opportunities for you and your family to talk, share, create and bond especially over the school holidays. The My Culture, My People event will run from mid October to the end of November. Every month is Black History Month.

Most sessions are free and you will be given a kit list or the opportunity to buy a kit for the creative activities if you book on time. All sessions are online this year.

Over the next few days I will be introducing the artists, and designers as well as featured organisations to give you a taster of what is to come.

Follow the program on Instagram, Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn.

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